
Thursday, February 24, 2011

 Watch Teen Mom, I'll admit, I thought she was speaking in girl code and I was about to be a daddy, not to mention, you know, go on trial for some silly old statutes. Anyhow, after a cold compress and some smelling salts, I realized she was talking about the MTV 'documentary' series. Now, you know how I feel about MTV and the two-decade long deuce they've dropped on popular culture. Well, now they've got a hit series in Teen Mom, and, they've got the show's most (in)famous teen post-pregger, Amber Portwood, arrested and going on trial for kicking the living mustard out of her baby daddy. Score one for the former music video channel.

Time to bring some sanity back to this situation with some uncensored pictures of Amber Portwood nekkid. Thanks to our good friend at RadarOnline for this exclusive and intimate look at Amber Portwood unleashing yet another scandalous chapter, albeit, of the Egotastic! kind (wherein nobody gets kicked in the nutsack, everybody just peacefully ogles).


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