
Friday, December 31, 2010

Definition of Pansexual? pansexual can take on a range of various meanings, but in generally Pansexual Definition is a sexual orientation when someone who is attracted to other people regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.

According to Pansexual can also refer to an organization, event or group. In this situation, the pansexual is defined as meaning open or welcome to all genders and not referencing one's sexual orientation or gender.

Occasionally, pansexuality is defined as a person who displays their sexuality in many different ways, or as someone who is open to a variety of sexual activities, although both of these definitions have become rare.

Pansexuality is also probably the most difficult to understand and accept sexual orientation.

Its advantages?
1. Less, if not none, stereotypes regarding sexual orientation.
2. People would be able to understand better others and love them for who they are. Would be easier to express our feelings towards others and communicate with them.
3. Less heterophobia and homophobia, if not none (considering there wouldn't be such classification), not thinking about what's right, what's good, what's correct when it comes to love.

But hence this won't happen, we keep staying the same and living our own lives as they are. And no matter how much I'd love to be and will try to be a pansexual, right now I'm glad I'm a poor man who feels comfortable being gay or, on the Kinsey' scale, being around 4-5.


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